In August 2015 in Moscow City Clinical Hospital after V.M. Buyanov was hospitalized a young patient (25 years old) with suspected ischemic stroke. This patient complained of weakness and numbness in the right limbs, his speech was fuzzy. As a result of laboratory-diagnostic studies, a doctors of the Neurological Department diagnosed a «cerebral infarction». A complex of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures was carried out, and positive dynamics was noted: the volume of movements in the right leg increased, the patient began to sit in bed, and was soon discharged with recommendations for further pre-examination and treatment in the Neurosurgery Department.In February 2016, the patient was hospitalized again — with suspicion of another stroke. It was then that the doctors of our Clinic assumed that they are dealing with the disease «Moya-moya», manifested in the form of chronic ischemia of the brain, transient ischemic attacks and strokes.According to world medical statistics, the «Moya-moya» (from the Jap. «a little smoke») occurs in a one patient of 10 million people. It was first described by Japanese scientists J. Suzuki and A. Takaku in the 1960s; due to the rarity of clinical cases (for example, in Russia, for the entire history of «Moya-moya» observation, about thirty cases was fixed only), the disease «Moya-moya» remains poorly understood and, therefore this is, of course, a very curious phenomenon. During the development of «Moya-moya» cerebral arteries of the brain are compressed (stenose), and next to them an alternative network of vascular cavities is formed. On the MRI-pictures this network resembles a web-smoke — hence the name. Proceeding from all that has been said, to observe this phenomenon and even more to try to help the patient, is a huge success and at the same time a big responsibility for doctors.Knowing this, our neurosurgeons decided to perform a reconstructive operation on the left internal carotid artery — to restore the damaged blood flow and thereby avoid the appearance of new cavities. The operation was successfully completed in March 2016 (by specialists of a Neurosurgery Dep.). After this, the period of intensive monitoring of the patient began which lasted almost a year and a half.In August 2017, the young man was hospitalized for the third time, for a diagnostic assessment of possible violations of cerebral circulation. A cerebral angiography (X-ray of cerebral vessels) showed that the disease does not progress, the cerebral blood-flow is normal, the patient is gradually recovering from the stroke. This result can be considered an unquestionable success of our doctors. Thanks!