Orthopedic Surgery Department
In March 2018, in the Moscow City Clinical Hospital after V.M. Buyanov is opened a united Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (before this, the Trauma Dep. and the Orthopedy Dep. were independent units of our Hospital).
Our orthopedic surgeons carry out professional, high-tech medical care for various diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bones of the skeleton, spine, joints etc.).
The OS-Department is equipped with modern medical equipment for performing all types of surgical interventions and conducting rehabilitation treatment, including in the postoperative period.
Main manipulations:
We can offer the following surgical remedial procedures:
Treatment of Elbow:
- Arthroscopic treatment of chondromas, deforming arthrosis, epicondylitis, contractures, bursitis
- Repair of distal biceps tendon
Treatment of Shoulder:
- Rotator cuff repair
- InSpace ballon installation at severe rotator cuff tear
- Treatment of impingement syndrome
- Instability treatment (Latarge surgery, Bankart procedure, Kim lesion repair)
- Suprascapular nerve release
- Acromioclavicular joint repair
- Biceps long head tenodesis
- Shoulder reverse and traumatic replacement
- Slap tear shoulder injury treatment
- Repair of large muscles group injuries
- Transfer of broadest muscle of back and smaller pectoral muscle
- Mac Laughlin procedure
Treatment of Hip:
Treatment of Knee:
- Knee replacement
- Corrigent osteotomy (HTO, DFO)
- ACL, PCL, ALL reconstruction
- Knee chondroplasty
- Patella-lateral release
- Shelf-syndrome treatment
Treatment of Ankle:
- Posterior, anterior anthroscopy
- Chondroplasty
- Brostrum reconstruction
- Calcanel spur, Stieda desease treatment
- Achillobursitis treatment
- Spine
- Scoliosis surgical correction
Main specialists: